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    Created to help bridge the funding gap for female founders, Stacy’s Rise Project™ has been connecting and empowering women business owners for years. Stacy’s® Pita Chips wasn’t always a household name, and resources such as advertising, expertise/mentorship and financial support helped this female-founded brand rise from a humble sandwich cart to nation’s supermarkets. These same resources are exactly what today’s women need to succeed—now more than ever—which is why Stacy’s® is offering 15 women $10,000 business grants, one-on-one executive mentorship, and a dedicated team of professionals creating, producing and strategically placing advertising on their behalf. Stacy’s is helping women rise with the opportunity to make their dreams a reality in the latest iteration of the Rise Project.

    Callee Ackland

    I’m the founder of Bestowed Essentials. Our certified vegan, cruelty-free personal care and home products are made by hand by our all-female team.


    Shop Bestowed Essentials

    Tiffany Griffin

    I’m the founder of Bright Black. Our high-quality candles use scent as an artistic medium and a platform to share positive narratives about Blackness.


    Shop Bright Black


    I’m the founder of SoFine Food. Our line of Dress it Up dressings are made to be as wholesome as your salad. They’re simply crafted to elevate your meal.


    Shop Dress It Up Dressing

    Jasmine Coer

    Openmediavault 编译与安装过程 - 简书:2021-2-8 · Openmediavault 编译与安装过程 Openmediavault 编译与安装过程 Openmediavault,简称OMV,是开源NAS解决方案的不二之选,更是黑群晖之外的最佳选择。基于Debian的灵活性,众及低资源占用,使得它能够在各种架构的操作系统上大放异彩,这 ...


    Shop Color My Story


    I’m the founder of Everviolet. Our beautiful lingerie and loungewear adapts to changes in your body after treatment for breast cancer and other life events.


    Shop Everviolet

    Joy McBrien

    OpenMediaVault:你的开源 NAS 系统 - 知乎:我在本专栏里介绍过 HomeLab 服务器的虚拟化的方案,推荐过一些看起来不错的硬件,那么接下来将要讨论搭建 Nas 系统的相关话题了。Nas 系统方案有很多:标准 Linux,黑群晖,FreeNas,ClearOS,OpenMediaVault。标…


    Shop Fair Anita

    Arion Long

    OpenMediaVault 5.3.9发布下载,附更新内容介绍 - 云网牛站 ...:2021-3-31 · OpenMediaVault 5.3.9发布了,提供openmediavault_5.3.9-amd64.iso等下载,它是基于Debian GNU/Linux的网络附加存储(NAS)解决方案,该项目也叫openmediavault 5 (Usul)。 openmediavault介绍 openmediavault是基于D


    Shop Femly


    I’m the founder of Frönen Foods. Our non-dairy ice cream is made with only six ingredients or less. And without allergens, gums, or artificial flavors.


    Shop Frönen Foods

    Claudia McMullin

    I’m the founder of Hugo Coffee Roasters. A coffee company whose mission is to save dogs by roasting and selling coffee made with fair-trade and organic beans.

    Claudia McMullin

    Shop Hugo Coffee Roasters

    Sylvie Charles

    I’m the founder of Just Date. Our 100% organic medjool date syrup is made from whole food plant sources. Make sweet decisions for long-term health.

    Sylvie Charles

    Shop Just Date

    Kemi Tignor

    I’m the founder of Little Likes Kids. Our boutique toy company is designed for a new generation of kids by offering toys with decidedly diverse imagery.

    Kemi Tignor

    Shop Little Likes Kids

    Nina Tickaradze

    I’m the founder of NADI. Our USDA-certified organic Wild Rosehip Juices help create safe jobs for refugees and empower their communities.


    Shop NADI


    I’m the founder of Progeny Coffee. Our coffee chain provides coffee transparency and support to help Colombian farmers out of the poverty loop.

    Maria Palacio

    Shop Progeny Coffee

    Junita Flowers

    I’m the founder of Junita's Jar. A mission-driven cookie company creating conversations to educate and eliminate relationship violence against women.

    Junita Flowers

    Shop Junita’s Jar

    Chi Nguyen

    I’m the founder of Purpose Tea. A beverage company dedicated to helping female tea workers—the most exploited in the business of tea.

    Chi Nguyen



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